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Volume 11 (2); 25 June 2021
Research Paper
An analysis of the factors influencing the attitude of social media users on online education and online purchasing in Namakkal district of Tamilnadu, India.
Dhivya N and Rajasekaran R.
J. Educ. Manage. Stud., 11(2): 14-19, 2021; pii:S232247702100002-11
Social media is the new upcoming area in marketing and education that has blogs, micro blogs, pages, groups etc. Social Media is a just like any other form of media is a tool used for communication but at the larger scale for social interaction using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. The main objective of this study was to identify the factors influencing attitude of social media users. The study was conducted in Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu. Data were collected using questionnaire to find out the factors affecting the attitude of the social media users. All the responders were social media users as they have the knowledge of the research issues and are able to provide informed responses. It was found that there is positive attitude towards online education and online marketing due to social media. Majority of the respondents (91.70 %) feels social media helps in educational development, similarly (73.30 %) prefer shopping in social media sites. Most of them (70.00 %) prefer to see/click on authorized dealers online advertisements in social media. Hence the necessary information to be disseminated could be given in personalized way which plays an important role in forming a positive attitude of the users towards the advertisement.
Keywords: Education, Social media, Social media marketing, User attitudes
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